We are all communicators. We are constantly communicating. Communication is one of the most importantskills of a leader. To develop, like all skills, it takes lots of intentional practice.
God is the Great Communicator.The Story of God thoroughout the Bible models communication:
It's about relationship- God totally loves people! When He created people he said it was "very good". He spoke to Moses, wrestled with Jacob and sent Jesus to convey his love for us.

Communication is less about transmitting information and and more about sharing with other humans beings. When we interact being fully present with people we reflect the character of God.
God communicates with Excellence in a variety of ways. He speaks through visions and dreams, through nature and people. He speaks corporately through the church. He speaks intimately to our hearts through thoughts and impressions. God also speaks through Scripture. We too need to find many ways to communicate.
God is a great storyteller. God's story has it all and is no doubt the greatest story ever told. Leaders use stories because they move us, engage us and change us.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. God's character is such that he can only speak the truth. When he communicates he does it in an authentic way. He doesn't reveal everything but what he reveals is always true.
God doesn't skip the hard stuff. Confrontation is one of the hardest things a leader must do. Confrontation done properly can bring people closer and make them feel loved and safe. Psalm 51:6
Tuesday night: The Praying Leader 1 Chronicles 17:25
The conversation is the relationship
Prayer is a pride buster.
Nehemiah fasted, prayed and confessed not only his own sins but also the sins of his entire nation. God heard his prayers and rebuilt the temple and restored fellowship with Israel.
In 2 Chronicles 30 we see King Hezekiah cry out in prayer on behalf the Lord heard him and healed the people.
Acts 10 and 11 shows us how important leaders, Peter and Cornelius, a Jew and a Gentile, are praying leaders who hear things from God, obediently act on them, setting the stage for the birth of the church and acceptance of Gentiles into the kingdom of God.
Jesus is the ultimate model for prayer: Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12-16, Mark 1:35-38, Mark 6:9-13, John 5:19.
The most dangerous thing a leader can do is try to make plans apart from God's direction. 1 Samuel 12:623 and 1 Chronicles 10:13-14
We can posses every gift necessary to be a great leader but unless we allow God to shape the integrity of our hearts it will all come to nothing.
Tuesday Worship: Matthew 10:42
Where have you been hurt today? What would have been a "cup of cold water" to you? How can you be a cup of cold water to someone else?
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