Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ending Oppression

5 things people are already doing to challenge oppression around the world:

1. Paying attention- They watch reliable national and international news media and web sites for clues bout what's happening in the world and how they can act for justice.

2. Praying- They talk to God about justice specifically and relentlessly.

3. Giving- They fund justice work of organizations.
They give to justice missions of their church.

4. Telling Stories- Whatever they learn about justice, they teach to anyone willing to learn
They talk to church leaders about supporting justice missions
They talk with law enforcement professionals, officers of the court and
diplomats about justice-making activities of agencies.

5. Crossing Borders- They choose careers that cross borders to challenge injustice and oppression.

How can I pay more attention?
How can I pray?
What ca I give?
How can I become a justice storyteller?
Can I prepare to fight injustice across borders? (Are there borders in your own community you need to cross first?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.